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Visualize the Impact

"Its an exciting opportunity for people with disabilities who want to get out and work on their strength and conditioning, especially for a paraplegic who has been confined to wheelchair all his life"

- Scott Heron - Victoria USA on the opening of a similar center in his home town in USA.

"Imagine, a quadriplegic rising to full height, strapped in and stood up by an electric motor. Once raised and supported in a standing position, users can even bear some of their own weight.

Even getting hearts to pump blood through a body's full standing height can be great exercise for people confined to wheelchairs"

Visualize.. parallel bars set at a height to allow people on wheelchairs to lift themselves up with their arms and shoulders. Once upright, they can take steps using leg braces"

When an intellectually challenged youth who has no friends meets and works out together with a senior citizen left lonely at home by his busy children .. magic happens.

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